joey lees-cantel
summer haze

Flicking seasons has become a habit 
A close friend 
A familiar feeling 
I know when to switch and flick now 
When I first feel the wind hugging my legs 
When shorts shrink to my calves then my thighs 
When instead of dragging my rain boots, I speed up in my sneakers 
I know when to switch and flick the big light off and then the mighty sun lingers on 
I switch and flick year on, day on 
In class from hour to hour, we flick our different switches 
En classe d’heure en heure on feuillette entre nos différents changements 
De copain en friend, from teacher to the other professeur 
As I said it’s familiar 
But comes the wind and kick in my shoes 
The big switch flicks 
I know when to switch it 
It’s when I jump 
I’m in the air


And land  
The switches I use year on flick solely in my head 
If I flick them now, in this land, dans cette terre 
Nobody will see them switch, nobody will hear them switch 
Allo la terre!

I only flick one switch in this land 
And put on hold flicking all the other ones 
A month-long they will rest 
While I pester in this other land 
Familiar but far from the rest of my year-long habits 

The opening habit after switching 
Is running and tumbling and falling at the foot of the swing 
In my grandparents’ yard 
Le jardin de grand-père et grand-mère 
La balançoire de grand-père et grand-mère 
Là où je me balance d’année en année 
Juste après avoir balancé d’un côté du grand bleu à l’autre

Je me balance sur la balançoire 
I swing on the swing 
Comme je swing l’année durant de cours en class 
Comme je swing de langue en language 
Comme je swing d’avant en arrière 
Comme je me balance back and forth 
Like I swing d’avant en arrière 
I am pushed 
Je suis tirée 
Je suis tiraillée

I am torn 
I am pulled 
Je suis poussée

Hold it 
Tiens les deux côtés de la balançoire 
I’m holding it 
Holding it in 
As I learned early on 
That’s what we do when we swing daily, monthly, yearly 

When I swing in this land 
I put on hold the swinging across the big blue

Je suspends le balancement de l’autre côté du grand bleu 
Ce sont deux balancement différents 
Les rythmes ne sont pas les mêmes 
Les balançements ne sont pas les mêmes

Ils ne sont que changeants
They are only switches 
Every year a month-long switch occurs when the wind kicks in and the sweat shines in 
For a month I put on hold swings on the other side 
It’s always one or the other 
And they are never really together 
Swinging in harmony 
Swinging in rhythm 
Swinging in symbiosis 
Se balançant en symbiose 

This one year 
I knew I was gonna switch things up 
I would swing the other way round 
I would swing in my grandparents’ backyard longer than the previous times 
Before that, I clicked while slowing down my swing back home
I clicked this place

I clicked that street 
I snapped that road there 
I snapped my ties to those swings 
Thinking I could tie the knots back together next year come 
Had I known those snapped streets 
Would be the last threads of evidence on those printed sheets

Proving that I used to swing back and forth between those streets 

As shorts came trending back year after year 
I kept on believing I would pack them 
And bring them swinging back to the other side 
Even when I outgrew the ones that once knew those swings 
I kept on hoping to introduce the new ones to my old turf 
But the decade is fast approaching 
I hardly exchange my shorts for new ones 
I just get hand me downs from my parents 
The ones they used to wear while watching me swing back and forth 
When I was knee-high

Standing now as tall as my mom 
Cup of coffee dangling from my hand 
New found comfort in this new year 
Mimicking habits of the people in those streets 
As I take a break from going back and forth 
My swings aren’t as powerful now 
They only reach the end of this land 
Le bout de cette terre

They don’t touch the sea anymore 
But it’s enough to hit “home” 
Not the one with my switches 
But the one where my mom, my dad, my brother swing in 
The one I swung in during my teen years 
The ones where I swung with them 
Celles où on a balancé ensemble 
Celles où j’ai balancé seule dans ce qui me manquait et ce qui me retenait
The ones where I swung alone between what I missed and what held me back
I now go back to those teen years 
When I go back swinging to my parents’ home 
When I go back swinging to them 
When I wear shorts now 
It’s to swing with them