joey lees-cantel
Sands and Jazz and christian or maybe not so much

We would always be practicing if you didn’t come and support live music 
So thank you 
Son micro compagnon 
Au Synthé 
Posé au dessus 
Du clavier 
Il pose

Le micro 
A chaque intervention 
Il switch

De la musique 
A la parole 
En soulevant le micro 
Et en se retournant 
He turns round 
And speaks to us 
He repeatedly introduces his band 

And hardly mentions 
His name 
Christian sands

The only moment we’ll hear 
A lyric 
Is bruce lee

In the synth 
Be water 
My friend 
For two hours we’ll all be peers 
It’s hard to find water 
In the sands 
But at sea or in the pier

The task is easier 
He swooshes his grey suit round 
He’s really all

Suits and smiles 
And heads turn round 
To set back into the music 
It’s funny 
His synth intervenes 
In the first piece 

It talks too 
It says to be water

And then drops
Sound drops 
Echoing with his neighbor 
The bass

Bass stepping on water 
Too bad it’s not the sea bass swimming 
But you could almost think 
With how smooth 
They all swim together 
On that stage 
They really do come from under 
His feet move 
His feet are moving and dancing 
Not just to swoosh around and

Talk to us 
But his feet move and dance

Like the bass sounds like it’s 
Stepping on water

He’s probably trying to 
Be like water 
My friends 
My peers 
Our feet echo

With their doing 
And the synth 
It drops 
It’s a synth of water drops 
I kinda hear echoing 
Like echoes in 

The whale echoing 
In the ruins 
Drums reverberating from 
Pink Floyd intruding 
They intruded my mind during that part of the piece

And then I just came back 
They caught me back in their sea 

Looks and smiles between 
And us 
And eased me back 
Their flow 
They’re looking and smiling 
At each other 
They gently

Encourage and 
Follow the 
Of one another 
From one to the other 
They jump from one to the other 
It’s exactly like 
Explained to


One player is doing his thing 
And he’s trying to communicate with others 
Is about compromise and communication 
It’s hardly relaxing 
Like when Sidney Bechet shot somebody because of a wrong note comment 

They’re just smiling and communicating 
It’s very communicative

It’s almost contagious 
It’s catchy 
It catches you 
And you’re caught up in their 
In knots 
En noeud 
Comme l’état de son cou quand il se retourne 
Après un 
Et introduit


Et nous 
Nos noeuds dans le cou 
A force de 
Suivre au rythme de leur cours

De leur marée 
A coups de hochements de tête 
As we sway from side to side

A coups de sway de la tête
Du buste
De claquement de nos doigts 
De tapotements sur nos genoux 
Pour imiter ses doigts qui tapotent 
Les touches 
On s’insère dans leur conversation 
En observateurs qui envoient 
Des signaux 
Qui ne pertubent pas les signaux qu’ils font 
Passer de l’un à l’autre 
Notre seul signal 
Notre clap 
Our applaudissements

We clap and they go on 
One lady at some point was alone 
I find it kinda frustrating to interrupt them in their moments of 
Or solo sharing to 
The band 
The audience 
A solo offering to the room 
To the sea of people 
And sometimes you hear a cry from one 
A cry of appreciation 
A cry of help

A cry of recognition 
A cry of warning 
A cry here and there 
Comme ils sautent de l’un à l’autre à 
Coups de main 
Coups d’oeil 
Coup de sourire 
Des flashs 
On zappe de son 
De l’un à l’autre 
On les suit quand ils se lancent la balle 
Et on peut se laisser porter par un qui se fait entourer des autres 
Et l’on saute à un autre quand on veut 
Sometimes you don’t know why 
You focus on 

Or multiple 
Sometimes they make space for one or the other 
You just isolate one
In your ears 
Speaking of ears

At one point 
I caught 
Looking and listening to the drums 
Because of the pearl 
On his ear 
It was shining 
Like no tomorrow 
In the middle of the dim sea

I see it
And I see and hear only it and 
The arms extended from 
When it’s his time to take space in this 
I’m not just the only one listening to him only 
Uses his drums 
As bongos 
His palms are his tools 
And his palms are the only thing we hear 
We see

And it even surprises me 
When from 
Out of nowhere 
I see 
And hear 
Sticks used to pursue 
His limelight

Soon passed on 
A cry from there 
And it passes on 
One has his knees and shoulders in it too 
It’s not just a cry 
It’s his whole 

Is excited 
As we are 
Pursue that current 
And delve into the next 
Thought bubbles I, (can we talk?)
And then turns into 
Thought bubbles II, (do not disturb)
Thought bubbles, don’t disturb them 
Otherwise whiplash’ll come your way 
The currents are agitated 
Or maybe it’ll be 
Charlie Parker’s fault 
Time to decide

The surprise 
Of hearing this story 
From the mic 
After a swoosh 
Of suits and smiles 
You know Brubeck 
Or probably this 
Or that 
* you need to imagine him playing bits 
And pieces

Time out 
No not the thing you say in a game 
The album

Imagine it 
In a 
Go on 
I won’t disturb you *

I played with Brubeck 
When I was a kid with my brother 
On the drums there

Brubeck once taught me a song 
* proceeds to play a song from Time out

Makes it thrice as long as the one on the album
For our greatest pleasure *
Before playing and talking about Brubeck and
His childhood 
He’d spotted a kid in the front row

Fist bumped him 
Gotta admit 
That’s a cool kid going to see jazz

He said he was about his age when he learned that song from Brubeck 
In his home 
Turns out 
Brubeck was

Kinda my childhood too without me knowing 
He’s familiar to me now 
But I kinda was like the people in the room who didn’t know his name as a kid sitting on the carpet

I just knew what Christian played on his piano with his magic fingers 
I would’ve rung bells to the keynotes 
When I was as high as the piano keys 
was with me 
For the last three weeks too 
I just stumbled upon 
Time out 
And decided to play it

To work 
To fall asleep 
With him

Turns out 
I heard him tonight 
Thrice as long as the original 
But still heard him 
In a big dark room 
Contrary to my cozy

Autumn afternoons 
With leaves sticking to my shoes 
And raincoat 
When coming back from running around the park 
To the jazz-filled

living room 
When I look back

I wonder 
Why did I even ever ask myself why jazz was associated with NY and autumn in my brain

I never knew it was Brubeck specifically playing in the living room back in NY
He blended in with other jazz players like Bill Evans, Coltrane and Davis and all that jazz 
In that 40m2 appt

He just played in the living room 
Speaking of childhood 
Living rooms 
Yes but let’s move to the 
Do you smell it 
Well they tried to make us smell it too 
They ended on a 

_ J’ai chaud

j’ai mal 
J’en ai mal à la poitrine

Les doigts qui se tapotent au rythme de la tête de Christian

Sur ses dunes 
Qu’il monte 
Qu’il descend 
Au rythme des touches 
Et de son genou qui monte qui descend 
Son buste qui balance 
En arrière

Qui s’approche 
Du clavier 
Qui s’éloigne 
Du clavier

He sees-
He -saws 
The keys _

Mom’s Mac and cheese 
Family business 
Mom’s cooking 
I guess after rehearsing with greats as Brubeck 
You gotta get fuel 
With your drum playing brother 
Mac and cheese it is 
Suits and smiles

The mic is lifted one last time 
If you like the concert and want an autograph come after the show at the signing

If you dont like it 
Buy it for someone you hate and give it to him 
Gotta like a piano player who cracks jokes at a supposed serious concert In suits and smiles

It’s called entertainment 

What’s the vibe?
Both? Everything?
We’ll do it all
I guess that deserves a clap

Cuz I just got whiplash 
Two hours on 

And all that jazz 
And I just got a whiff of the ladie’s perfume in front of me and she smells like my high school English teacher I saw the day before 
And just like Christian it made me :

Je m’éloigne
Je me rapproche
Du piano
Oh and they did play Olivia 
_ recollection of notes scribbled in the dark, I did my best _